Sony Pictures has released the first official trailer for The Girl in the Spider’s Web, a new volume in late Swedish author Stieg Larsson’s Millennium series – made popular by its first novel, “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.” The film introduces Claire Foy (”The Crown”) as disturbed vigilante/hacker Lisbeth Salander.
The new Lisbeth is the ugliest version yet, stripped of all sex appeal and resembling Edward Scissorhands. Fede Alvarez, director of exceptional fright flicks Don’t Breathe and 2013’s Evil Dead remake, is at the helm
“The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo” is the first book in what is collectively known as the Millennium Trilogy, novels by late Swedish author Stieg Larsson. They have sold more than 40 million copies worldwide. Larrson, a journalist and political activist, died of a heart attack at the age 50 in 2004. According to his longtime live-in girlfriend Eva Gabrielsson, he left behind pages to his unfinished fourth book in the series.
“The Girl in the Spider’s Web” is not based on those pages, but instead written by David Lagercrantz with the Larsson’s estate’s support. Gabrielsson calls Lagercrantz an “idiotic choice” for carrying on the book series.
The Ugly Girl in the Spider’s Web arrives in theaters Nov. 9.
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